- Anita Shreve: The Last Time They Met
- Helge Timmerberg: Tiger fressen keine Yogis (Stories von unterwegs) [ich hatte von dem Buch/Autor schon vorher gehört/gelesen, aber erst nach einem Auftritt von ihm bei TV Total lieh ich mir dieses Buch in der UB/Universitätsbibliothek aus]
- Reto U. Schneider: Das Buch der verrückten Experimente
- Alexander von Schönburg: Die Kunst des stilvollen Verarmens [hat mir außerordentlich gut gefallen]
- Tucker Max: I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell (swapped, sold)
- Tiziano Terzani: Fliegen ohne Flügel (nachdem ich dieses Buch [Reiseberichte] gelesen hatte, stand für mich fest, dass ich mal für längere Zeit nach Indien will]
- Norbert Mappes-Niediek: BALKAN-MAFIA. Staaten in der Hand des Verbrechens - eine Gefahr für Europa
- Luis Alberto Urrea: The Devil's Highway - A True Story (bookwapper = bs from now on)
Assia Djebar: Das verlorene Wort (bought, then swapped)
- James Hamilton-Paterson: Cooking with Fernet Branca (bs)
- Tim Moore: Do Not Pass Go (bs)
- Stephen Fry: Moab Is My Washpot (bs)
- Nick Hornby: A Long Way Down
- John Irving: Until I Find You
- Norman Mailer: Tough Guys Don't Dance
- Anne Tyler: A Patchwork Planet
- Anne Tyler: The Accidental Tourist
- T. Coraghessan Boyle: Talk, Talk
- T. C. Boyle: The Tortilla Curtain
- Michael Ebmeyer: Gebrauchsanweisung für Katalonien
- Yu-Chien Kuan & Petra Häring-Kuan: Der China-Knigge: Eine Gebrauchsanweisung für das Reich der Mitte
- Terry Eagleton: The Truth about the Irish
- Willy Messmer: Französischer Srachhumor
- Till Bastian: 55 Gründe, mit den USA nicht solidarisch zu sein - und schon gar nicht bedingungslos
- Joe Bennett: A Land of Two Halves: An Accidental Tour of New Zealand (bookswapper)
- Peter Mayle: Encore Provence (bs)
- Stephen Clarke: Talk to the Snail - Ten Commandments for Understanding the French (bookswapper)
-Stephen Clarke: Merde Actually (bs)
- Stephen Clarke: A Year in the Merde
- Bill Bryson: The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid - Travels Through My Childhood (booswapper)
- A Place in the World Called Paris (collection of short stories; bookswapper)
- Louis Sachar: Holes (bookswapper)
- Tim Brookes: A Hell of a Place to Lose a Cow: An American Hitchhiking Odyssey (bs)
- Michael Morre: Downsize This! (bs)
- Clive Francis: There's Nothing like a Dane- The Lighter Side of Hamlet (bs)
- John Updike: Terrorist (buchticket, weitergetauscht = habe ich also nicht mehr)
- Sarah MacDonald: HOLY COW - An Indian Adventure (I donated this book to the local high school in 2010)
- Charles Bock: Beautiful Children (donated to a HS in 2010)
- Derek Lambert: Spanish Lessons (donated it to the local HS in 2010)
- Tim Cahill: Hold the Enlightenment (donated to HS)
- Howard Tomb: The Wicked Traveler
- John Scalzi: Book of the Dumb
- Darwin Awards 2 [Wendy Nortcutt??] (I donated this book to a local HS)
- Imogen Edwards-Jones: Beach Babylon
- Rakin: The Brightonomicon (donated)
- Marina Lewycka: A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian (sold or swapped)
- A.M. Homes: This Book Will Save Your Life (swapped or sold)
- Piers Morgan: Don't You Know Who I Am?
- Steve Lowe & Alan McArthur: Is It Just Me or Is Everything Shit?
- David Sedaris: Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim (bookswapper, don't have it anymore)
- Norah Vincent: Self-Made Man (drag, trans*)
two of the movies I watched on DVD in 2007:
books I got/bought etc. in 2007/2008 but didn't read:
- The World According to Clarkson (swapped or sold???)
- John Fisher: Tommy Cooper (I think I still have it)
- Michael Simkins: What's My Motivation
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