Sunday, December 11, 2011

Heavy question (flattery, other enhancement)

What would you think if one and the same woman told you disapprovingly and teasingly in one instance "you've gained weight" (I asked her "so what?" and she replied "I'm just saying that you were lighter when you arrived here two or three years ago") and a couple of days later she sends you an e-mail with a picture of a scale that says "you're beautiful"? (I took that as a compliment and thought "ok, she thinks that I'm beautiful but she wouldn't have mentioned my weight if she hadn't liked me more when I was slimmer, right?".) Is this some kind of symbolic apology (sorry, if I hurt you, no offense meant - btw, none was taken)?

Za jednu svoju prijateljicu (mislim da je zaljubljena u nju) je rekla kako je bila oslabljela prije nego sto se je isla sresti u Aziju s nekim tipom iz Oceanije kojeg je upoznala preko interneta i kako se je ponovo UPRASILA od kada se vratila.

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