Friday, December 16, 2011

no relationship material but attraction/chemistry/flirting

.. can be quite pushy and domineering but she can't really take the reins because I don't let her. She is also quite proud and when she noticed that things (her efforts) were one-sided she told me that she wanted me to set up the next date (implying that she wants me to show more initiative).

Once she was driving me home when she told me "now you'll invite me to your place to coffee". I'm not dense. I know what "coffee" stands for but although I know what it means I intentionally took it literally. I told her "I'm not sure whether I have any coffee at home but I have tea"). .. knew that I don't drink coffee. .. was also once very disappointed that one of my female relatives gave her a massage in our bathroom because she had expected me to do it. My relative told me later that ..'s disappointment was obvious since it was written all over her face.

.. once had this self-placatory "I know that you'll end up in my bed"-smile/grin/smirk on her face. I would hate it if she were right since I don't want to give her this satisfaction. She seems to think that she's "better" for me but she isn't relationshipwise. She doesn't respect me. She doesn't get my humor (doesn't laugh at my jokes).

So sehe ich das ebenfalls und so (talking at cross purposes - aneinander vorbeireden, obwohl man die gleiche Sprache spricht) habe ich es in einer meiner Facebook-Statusanzeigen vor kurzem beschrieben. Es spielen aber noch andere Faktoren eine Rolle: u.a. dass sie und ich oft nicht das Gleiche wollen und dass sie überhaupt nicht richtig zuhört oder einem die Worte im Mund zu verdrehen versucht, fast schon so als ob sie einen absichtlich missversteht, denn blöd ist sie nicht.

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