Friday, June 22, 2012

memories & feelings (summer 2011) geschrieben im Sommer 2011

In the past weeks I've been trying to compartmentalize my feelings and attractions for/to certain women. I hate that X's friend request has thrown be back to some extent because I had the impression that I was moving on fairly well. The part of me that doesn't want to go back is dominant.

Rogic, Sporcic, Posavec – policajka i dva policajca su nam u veljaci i ozujku 2009. rekli neka se vratimo od kud smo dosli i nek uzmemo babu i djeda iz njihove kuce s nama, na moje pitanje “kuda? Na cestu valjda?”
Sto to znaci “od kud ste dosli”? mozda “odite u p. m. ili u kurac”

She’s bi (she never said it directly, but she told me about one of her ex-boyfriends and made sure to emphasize that it was a very long time ago, one of her homophobic “friends” told her when I met him for the second time and when .. introduced me to him that she has a “different sexual orientation, among other things he told us that (straight) women nowadays aren’t interested in macho men but as soon as a man tells a woman that he’s gay or bi they are all over him because women are perverted in his opinion and want to “heal” and turn those men, .. laughed at him and told him that he just said some really stupid things, he asked me whether I had a boyfriend and I told him “no, I’m gay”, he disapprovingly looked me up from head to toe and then said “I thought so” and I retorted “I’m happy to hear that” and I smiled at him which clearly pissed him off and it shut him up. He asked .. “when was the last time you got laid?”. .. just snorted at him and gave him a “are you out of your mind”-look. .. apologized for his direct and rude behavior and told me that he’s always like that and that he always talks about sex. I told him that it’s quite common in some people that sex moves to their tongues (= that they just talk about it but don’t have it anymore). He realized that he had just met his match and he told us to enjoy our day and walked away. :D

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