She told one of her former students, who is currently unemployed, that he shouldn't use the word but when he talks about his plans ( to find a job, to study) because "but means that you have doubts". She pushes people very hard, demands a lot of them - in my opinion, because she is also very hard to herself and because she is dissatisfied with herself since she hasn't achieved some things in her life that she had planned/wanted. She doesn't want people to give up but to fight.
Tuesday May, 15th 2012: She asked me "Why do you love me?". I think that she is still looking for her sexual identity/trying to find herself. I guess that I could have asked her the same question but I don't think that she loves women - she definitely likes being loved and made love to by a woman. I do think that she is physically atrracted to women - otherwise she wouldn't want to (french) kiss, hug me, touch me (including my breasts, private parts), caress me ...
She told me yesterday (Tuesday May, 15th 2012) that she wants to try how it would be to be married to a man.
today she sang "bilo bi mi lako da te ne volim" to me (lyrics from a Croatian song) after she told me that she would prefer for us to be friends (vise bi voljela da smo prijateljice). She told me that it isn't easy for her because of the secrets and the hiding. I told her that I don't want to be someone with someone for whom it is hard to be with me and that I want to be with someone who is happy to be with me.
I asked her what this means - whether she wants us to break up or whether she thinks about coming out of the closet
pitala sam je zeli li PREVENTIVNO PREKINUTI S MENOM (tako da me ona ne izgubi, da sprijeci mogucnost da cu je ja ostaviti, napustiti), citirala sam joj medju ostalim onu vec ofucanu i za neke ljude istinitu izrecicu da je bolje imati slomljene srce nego da nikad nisi bila zaljubljena
she told me that her friendships persevere but that her relationships fail
Among other things, I told her that I want to be with someone for whom it is easy to be with me. I don't want it to be hard for someone to be with me.
I asked her whether she's disappointed, whether she expected more or something different (she told me a few days ago explicitly "you're my first girlfriend"), whether she misses anything in our relationship, whether she wants something else, whether she regrets anything
rekla mi je da sam je UMIRILA govoreci, cijelo vrijeme sam je drzala, lezale smo, gladila sam joj po rukama, ledjima, trbuhu, nogama, ljubila joj rame, vrat, lice, lopatice
rekla sam joj da se (svoj seksualni identitet koji se moze mjenjati/mjenja) neki ljudi nadju prije a neki kasnije
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