Your FWB is in hospital after a car crash early this morning while he was driving to work in your car. A truck crashed into your car and flipped it over. I was relieved to hear that he was quite lucky under the circumstances. He has a whiplash injury and several bruises and cuts that had to be stitched. I'm glad that he wasn't badly injured. You weren't in your car. He had taken it to let it repair. A few days ago you had a smaller accident when you crashed into a parked car with your car and damaged it. Back then I had already let you know that I'm sorry about your car and that you'd have to pay a fine but that the most important thing was that nothing had happened to you (that you were fine).
You informed be about his accident this morning around 7 a.m. You seemed to be more concerned about your car than about your FWB given that your first sentence was "I don't have my car anymore". Only then did you proceed to share with me what had happened. I asked you whether your FWB was slightly or badly injured and when you would be able to visit him. I told you that I'm sorry and that you could call me (skype me) if you wanted to talk.
I don't need such bad things to happen to know what really matters.
Maybe you'll realize now what you could have lost today. Maybe it'll make the bond betweend you and him stronger. I don't know him in person yet but I think that he's a good guy (understanding, helpful, patient - some may say that he lacks self-respect and that he could do better and that he doesn't deserve to be treated like you treat him, some might call him a doormat but I guess that love makes some people blind and in some cases very forgiving and a little bit dumb). Moreover, he and I have something in common - we both have feelings for the same woman - for you. The difference is that he allegedly sleeps with you while I don't and most likely never will but it's okay. I have come to terms with that. I wouldn't want to be with someone who doesn't like hugging and both emotional and physical intimacy.
Meinung einer Internetfreundin: Und ich hab das Gefühl er würde für X. Berge versetzen und finde es sowas von unfair von ihr, dass sie ihn nur als ihren Spass sieht. Ich hoffe sie kümmert sich wenigstens um ihn, wenn er aus dem Krankenhaus kommt. Der arme Kerl. Wenn sich zwei Menschen einig sind, dass es ihnen bloß um eine lose \"Beziehung\" geht oder nur Sex, dann bitte. Aber es ist ja eindeutig, dass ... viel mehr möchte. Ich möchte nicht in seiner Haut stecken, wenn X. ihn nicht mehr will als ihr \"Spielzeug\".
Meinung derselben Frau vom 12.10.2011: Aus X. werde ich offen gesagt einfach nicht schlau. Ob es Mauern sind, die sie um sich aufbaut und so ein sich verlieben verhindert oder ob was anderes dahintersteckt. Das ist wie ein großes Rätsel. Seltsam ist ihre \"Beziehung\" auf jeden Fall. Ich meine, jedem das seine, aber ich frage mich, was in ihr so vorgeht. Irgendwie werde ich das Gefühl nicht los, dass sie irgendwas mit ihr herumträgt und dieses etwas nicht preisgeben will.
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